Meetings 2024/2025
The meetings listed on this page are open to Full
Members only.
11.00am with lunch at 12. noon (with Speaker)
11.30am with lunch at 12. noon (no Speaker)
The Committee Meetings are only open to
elected Committee Members
Committee Meetings are conducted via Zoom on
alternate months to plan the sequence of events
over the coming year
January 2nd Lunch at Cross Keys
February 6th Lunch at Cross Keys
Speaker - Howard Moxon
“Flitwick Cricket Club”
March 5th Lunch at Cross Keys
Speaker - Dr. Cindy Hardy
“From down under to lockdown”
April 2th Lunch at Cross Keys
Speaker - Olly Barrett
“Upcoming children’s author”
May 7th Annual General Meeting
followed by lunch at Cross Keys
June 4th Lunch at Cross Keys
July 2nd Lunch at Cross Keys
Speaker TBA
August 6th Lunch at Cross Keys
Speaker - Colin Ward - “Global Warming”
September 3rd Lunch at Cross Keys
Speaker TBA
October 1st Lunch at Cross Keys
Speaker - Terry Foot - “Flittabus”
arrive by 11.15
November 5th Lunch at Cross Keys
Speaker - Richard Luscombe - “Wrest at War”
arrive by 10.45
December 3rd Lunch at Cross Keys
Speaker TBA
January 7th Lunch at Cross Keys
Speaker John Butler
February 4th Lunch at Cross Keys
Speaker Craig Fisher “Lost in Gambo”
March 5th Lunch at Cross Keys
Speaker TBA
April 1st Lunch at Cross Keys
Speaker TBA
May 6th Annual General Meeting
followed by lunch at Cross Keys
Speakers wishing to present to our Club will only be
considered if they contact us on our email address
which is:-